The Wenger Dream at Arsenal I did it My Way

The Wenger Dream at Arsenal I did it My Way

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Arsene Wenger Arsenal Manager since 1996I did it My WayAs an Arsenal faithful for the past ten to eleven years, I can speak for Gooners, that their relationship with Wenger can be best described as Patchy..Firstly, there is no doubt that Arsene Wenger has transformed Arsenal: the Football Club, and no matter, what he is an inseparable part of the legacy of the club. The high of his career is definitely the Invincible season, where Arsenal dominated the League and created history.however recent past is more frustrating, 6 years without a trophy is like a daily heart burn for every Arsenal Fan,, and the so called arrogance of Arsene, especially in the signings at the club has left the fan dumb struck at times.This year has seen an exodus of players, Nasri, a promising player left the club and is doing well at his new club,, Fabregas was going to leave one day, yet his leaving was in midst of such a multi year saga, that it left a bad taste.. I will not list the players who have left,, nor will I list the new signings..The Abandoners of Arsenal ProjectThe only characteristic is that money has not been generously splashed on new players and the strategy at best can be described as ConservativeBut what I have said above is nothing new, its merely relay of facts, nothing more and 99% of Gunner faithfuls will agree to what I have said.I want to delve more into the psyche of Arsene Wenger, and try and construct Lamine Diane Jersey an explanation behind this behavior of his. I want to explore what could be the motivations behind this strategy of his.To begin with, I do not think Wenger is targeting the record of Ferguson or that of Liverpool, in terms of most number of league championships. Certainly his strategy does not seem that way,, plus having already spent 15 years at the club,,presuming that Kyle O'Quinn Jersey he begins the a sault for the record it will take 6 -7 years of continuous domination of league to overhaul the current record. Considering the way money is playing a part in todays football, Arsene realizes that such domination is unlikely for any club, let alone Arsenal.The most elusive aspect of Wengers career has been an European Championships,, though a great deal of Arsenals financial stability is coming from their succe sive appearances at Knock out phases of Champions League,, but the title itself has always slipped from him. The closest being the Final against Barcelona.But here also, Wengers strategy is not definitive,, the Real Madrids or more recently the Chelseas of the world have sought to buy a European Championship,, Buy big names in football with the lure of Big Money,, Big Money Managers and then make a run for the title. Wenger however remains conservative..Then what is going for Arsenal in spite of dry seasons in past years..One must admit the STYLE of football at Arsenal is distinctive.. they do play with a certain flair,, though arguably Barcelona are considered to better executioners of po se sive football,, and Arsenal are criticized as more of hold, hold and NO shot on goal kind of po se sive football.. one must say, Arsenal are a delight to watch at times, their game has more of the WOW moments packed into it,, making them a treat to watch.and here I think is what can explain the psyche of Wenger,, He has carved a niche for himself as a manager who promotes flair and a pa sing game.. at least he himself must be very proud of this, because in spite of lack of results he has rarely deviated from this style of football and arguably has at times left holes in his defense just to accommodate the flair.and probably this is what he wants,,to carve out a niche for himselfTo become the manager, Who took a relatively young team, with very few big names, and still managed to win As a manager he seems to be obse sed with his ideas. It seems he is determined the prove that the current convention of Buying Succe s is WRONG and can be defeated.He wants to say I DID IT MY WAY and did not succumb to temptations of money and believed in football.this may Trey Burke Jersey be explains his arrogance,, currently Arsenal is doing well, qualified for next round of Europe,, go Arsene effect seems to be working..but one of the qualms of being a Gunner fan is you never know when you will be robbed.. like last year we were alive in all competitions and within a matter of weeks we were no whereIt seems Arsene Wenger likes the Odds against him,, so that when comes out triumphant, as glory will have that additional glitter coming from crushing the nay sayersAs a Arsenal Fan , I just hope that this year we get to sing Jon Bon Jovi with Arsene or else we could be back to Boulevard of Broken Dreams on the Greenest of DaysIts My Life Bon JoviorBroken Dreams
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